
What Child Is This

David Chartrand

David Chartrand

It is 8 a.m. and there is someone in my little boy’s bed.

Pushing up through the blanket is the outline of a man’s body. Draped over the edge of the mattress are a man’s hands, thick and slightly hairy. Something is wrong.

I am certain this is my son’s room. I stop here nearly every morning for small talk with a small child.  So why do I see Size 10 sneakers on the floor?

I knock firmly on the bedroom door. Continue reading

No bargain is worth holiday shopping mania

Chuck Kurtz

Chuck Kurtz

When it comes to getting a good deal, well, I’m right there — at the head of the line if possible.

But you’ll never — NEVER — catch me pitching a tent on a concrete sidewalk next to a store front’s sliding glass doors days before the Black Friday sales begin, or in the case of this year for what now is being labeled Brown Thursday. Besides, it would be my luck I would end up not hearing the alarm clock, over-sleeping and then waking up to the sounds of people shuffling past the tent on their way into the store.

In my 63 years, I’ve taken part in two — just two — of what I have come to label as shopping hysteria calamity. The first one took place nearly 30 years ago at the Olathe Feeney’s Hallmark store. It was the big “sale” day after Christmas and wife Terri desperately wanted a Christmas tree ornament she was collecting that was to go on sale. Only she had to work.

So I “volunteered” to go buy it for her. Continue reading

MNU President’s Honors set for April 12

Got some extra cash in your pocket but not sure what do with it.

Well, the folks at MidAmerica Nazarene University can help you out with several options during its annual President’s Honors scholarship fund-raising event starting at 6:30 p.m., Friday, April 12, in the Cook Center on the MNU campus. It’s an evening of entertainment, fine dining, some dynamic silent and live auctions, and a showcase of MNU student talent.

MidAmerica Nazarene University’s Olathe campus is located at 2030 E. College Way in Olathe. For driving directions, click here. Cook Center is located on Lindenwood Drive between College Way and Sheridan (#24 on the campus map found at the link above).

That money in your pocket can be used to be a sponsor, either a platinum, gold, silver, bronze or a table sponsor, which come with prime or preferred seating as well as recognition in various media. MNU officials say being a sponsor is a great way to promote your business or organization to a “highly desirable” audience while also providing support to Christian higher education. Continue reading

Words of wisdom

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question.

Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. Continue reading