
Replaced by Olivia!

Rylin make friends with the neighbor.

Rylin make friends with the neighbor.

Chuck Kurtz

Chuck Kurtz

I don’t like Olivia.

It took a mere two days for Olivia to upset, create turmoil and completely shatter my fun-filled plans for the summer: swimming, playing catch with the Frisbee, taking walks, playing at the parks, going to the library, bowling, fishing, taking in some museums, and simply playing outside in the backyard.

But then Olivia intervened.

Even the occasional relaxation time in the house reading a book or playing music has been disrupted by Olivia.

Everything suddenly has changed. And I don’t like it! Continue reading


A granddaughter’s love

Chuck Kurtz

Chuck Kurtz

April and May, especially May, are the big birthday months for grandchildren: Carys in Colorado turned 7; Alexandra in Seattle turns 15; Ashlyn in Olathe soon will be 3; and a new grandson in Olathe likely is going to arrive sometime in May.

For the record, Rylin in Olathe turns 6 in August and Dylan in Colorado will be 9 in October.

Not long ago, after Ashlyn and I had walked home from school with Rylin, we were sitting at the kitchen table; they eating their afternoon snack, I drinking a cup of coffee and the conversation was centered on Ashlyn’s upcoming birthday.

“How old are you going to be?” I asked Ashlyn.

“Three,” she replied while stuffing her mouth with blue berries. Continue reading

Only one cure for evil: death

Chuck Kurtz

Chuck Kurtz

Mid-afternoon Wednesday, I was sitting on the couch in my son’s home and next to me, as usual, was 4-year-old granddaughter Rylin, snuggling next to me while playing doctor and dentist on her tablet. Then she stretched out, putting her head on the pillow and her legs and feet across my lap.

“Tickle my feet,” she said.

And, of course, I obliged.

We talked about her day in school, about how she ate the rest of Mee-Moo’s (Grandma Terri’s) meatloaf for lunch, and then began playing a maze game. We took turns helping each other.

“We make a pretty good team,” I told her. Continue reading

Creating memories one fingernail at a time

Rylin's "handy" work on Grandpa Chuck's right hand.

Rylin’s “handy” work on Grandpa Chuck’s right hand.

Chuck Kurtz

Chuck Kurtz

You’ll get no argument from me that I will do just about anything when it comes to each of my five grandkids.

To say they have me wrapped around their little fingers is, well, an understatement.

Our oldest, Alexandra, is 13 and leaves on Whidbey Island near Seattle, Wash. Dylan, 7, and his sister Carys, 5, live in Windsor, Colo., just east of Fort Collins. Then there are Rylin, 4, and her sister Ashlyn, 18 months, who live in Olathe and who I have been babysitting three afternoons a week since Rylin was six months old.

I would watch them all if it were possible. Continue reading

Turning 63 and almost a perfect life!

I was babysitting the grandkids the other day, Rylin, 3, and Ashlyn, 7 months, and the discussion somehow turned to the topic of age, as in Rylin asking me how hold I was going to be on my birthday.

“How old are you?” I asked her.

“I’m 3,” she said.

“Well, I’m just about to turn 60 years older than you,” I said. “I’m going to be 63 on my next birthday.

“I’m 60 years older than you. What do you think about that?” Continue reading