MNU memos…

The Monday Report

Sept. 30 – TODAY New Faculty Photo
The marketing office is taking a group photo of all new faculty just prior to Faculty Assembly today. Please arrive by 2:45 p.m. so we can take a group shot of our new faculty members.

Oct. 4 Friday Prayer
Join staff, faculty, and students in prayer for MNU on first Friday of the month, Oct. 4, at 11:30 a.m.-

12:30 Weatherby Chapel. Corporate and private prayer for chapel services, student ministries, administrative leaders, classes, physical needs of friends, and other concerns of MNU. Come and go as your schedule permits.  Continue reading

MNU memos for the week of Sept. 23

Sept. 22-26 – Spiritual Deepening Series
Chapel services and Fall Revival at College Church with Dr. Carla Sunberg (‘83), co-superintendent of the East Ohio District of The Church of the Nazarene.

Special Schedule – College Church Sanctuary

Sept. 23  7 p.m.

Sept. 24  9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Sept. 25  10 a.m. and 7 p.m.; 9 p.m. (Kairos in Downhaus at College Church)

Sept. 26  9:30 a.m.

Sept. 25 – Library Unbound Series Begins—Faculty Training
Mabee Library and the Faculty Development Committee are sponsoring a series of continuing education workshops this year. The first in the series is for Microsoft Lync, one of the most powerful and useful aspects of Microsoft Office 365. With this powerful instant messaging, desktop sharing, and conferencing tool, you can conduct virtual meetings, interacting online with your colleagues – or students. Microsoft Lync is an incredible communication and teaching tool. Continue reading

MNU memos for the week of Sept. 16

Fall Fashion Frenzy!
Join The Merc this week for the 2nd annual Fall Fashion Frenzy! We will be releasing 6 brand-new products each day at 11 a.m. and again at 12:30 p.m. We’ll add a couple other items for good measure for a total of 62 brand new items!

Be the first to get all the new product updates as they are released by joining us on social media…“Like” us on Facebook:  themercatmnu; “Follow” us on Twitter:  @themerctmnu.

Sept. 21 – Fountain City Brass Band, 7:30 p.m. Bell Center
‘Brass On Broadway’ features showstoppers from West Side Story to Les Miserables and Chicago to Mamma Mia plus many, many more! Continue reading