Obama rule pushes jobs for people with disabilities

Harkin: “Historic” effort moves country toward equal opportunity

Freelance writer/editor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Vice President Joe Biden recently announced that the Obama aministration will implement a new rule to promote employment for individuals with disabilities.

The rule, aimed at federal contractors and subcontractors, is designed to increase the hiring, retention and promotion of qualified individuals with disabilities.

The rule enforces Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and for the first time sets a goal that at least 7 percent of the federal contractor workforce, at all levels, should be made up of qualified individuals with disabilities. Continue reading

Republican Colin Powell endorses Obama

Normally, I don’t put much stock in political endorsements.

They usually come from self-proclaimed “experts” who vote the party line, anyway. They come from right-winged or far-left factions telling their followers how to vote. And it’s a tradition with most newspapers to endorse candidates they say will best serve constituents.

All of which is a bunch of, thank-you-Joe-Biden, malarkey! Continue reading

Round one: Romney

If the presidential debates were a boxing match, round one goes to challenger Mitt Romney.

President Obama, who has been leading in every poll taken, had a chance to deliver a first-round, knockout punch Wednesday night. Instead, he rope-a-doped around, had to dodge several Romney punches, even got pelted by a few aggressive jabs and stumbled on a solid Romney right hook to the jaw: “You could have hired 2 million teachers with that $90 million you spent on green energy companies, many of them that contributed to your campaign, and many of them that have failed.” Continue reading