A victory for corporations; a blow to individual freedoms

The High Court seems to be consistent in defining corporations as individuals in their rulings against real people and allowing corporations to influence politics with unlimited cash donations, unfiltered, half-truthed and often downright false advertising. This decision doesn’t give power and individual freedoms back to the people, it provides an avenue of control by corporations over the people. I say this not as a conservative or liberal, but realizing that conservative and liberal corporations certainly will take advantage of the ruling.


Divided We Stand: In Praise of Dissent

David Chartrand

David Chartrand

One syndicated columnist wrote the other day that President Obama has “divided the country along fault lines of fear, intolerance, ignorance and religious rule.” There now is a desperate need, she added, “for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together … healing.”

Yuck. Enough already. All this talk of restoration and reunion is giving dissent a bad name.

Forget our differences? I say let’s celebrate them. Continue reading

Tornado to strike Olathe as part of CERT in Spanish class June 18

Participants finishing Community Emergency Response Team training will be put to the test when a simulated tornado strikes Olathe on Wednesday, June 11 at 6:40 p.m. at Olathe Fire Administration (1225 S. Hamilton Circle). Trained by firefighters, CERT students from local neighborhoods will react to this disaster scenario as part of their final exam.

As one class ends, another begins as the inaugural CERT in Spanish class starts June 27. The class meets – from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. – on June 27; July 11, 18 and 25; and, August 1 and 8. FREE childcare will be provided for kids age three and older. Spaces are still available for anyone interested in joining the FREE CERT in Spanish class. Visit OlatheKS.org/Fire/CERT to view the CERT in Spanish flyer or to sign up. Captain John Sanches said, “We’re very excited about the first CERT in Spanish class.” “It’s always great to meet and share potentially life-saving information with our community,” added Sanches. Continue reading

MNU website wins national awards

MidAmerica Nazarene University’s websitehas won a national Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Circle of Excellence Bronze Award for Best Institutional Website. MNU is the only college or university in the state of Kansas to receive a Circle of Excellence award in any category in the 2014 awards. More than 3,000 entries were judged in all categories.

According to Kim Campbell, director of marketing, the university is recognized alongside larger institutions in the category. Additionally, the current website was developed entirely in-house by MNU’s marketing team. 

“We are very honored for our in-house project to be recognized with a group of well-known schools within this category, including University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kenyon College, and Davidson College,” Campbell said. Continue reading

Olathe news briefs for the week of June 9

City Council
The Olathe City Council will next meet Tuesday, June 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall for a regular session. Regular sessions are broadcast live on OGN (Comcast channel 7, AT&T channel 99 and on the City’s website). To see the complete agenda for this meeting, visit the City’s website at OlatheKS.org.  For a recap of the previous Council meeting, visit the City Clerk’s webpage.

College Boulevard Improvement
Work on College Boulevard, as part of the Johnson County Gateway Project, was delayed last week.  Construction is anticipated to begin between June 9 and June 20. Initial work will include fence relocation, clearing topsoil, grading and work on the north side of College Boulevard. Two additional lanes on College Boulevard are scheduled for completion by late November 2014, weather permitting. Residents can stay informed on the progress of these improvements by signing up for alerts at KSDOT.org. Continue reading