Government dispells doomsday fears

The Mayan calendar ends Dec. 21, 2012.

There have been plenty of articles about it in the news the past several months. Several television shows have been broadcast about the aligning of planets, earth’s destruction, and the possible end of time.

Well, not to worry, according to the U.S. government.

There are no asteroids headed our way; the earth is not on a collision course with another planet; and according to NASA, Dec. 21 will come and we’ll all wake up in the morning of Dec. 22.

NASA officials said they have received thousands of letters from concerned folks, especially children, who are scared the world will be destroy on Dec. 21. As a result, NASA put out information on the website debunking all the rumors.

Check it out by clicking here.


What are the Democrats thinking?

President Obama wins the election and for the first time in 20 years the Republicans are offering to break away from their no-tax pledge on the rich in order to reach a compromise agreement with the Democrats. In return, all they are asking is that the Democrats agree to reduce the federal government‘s out-of-control spending.

Seems fair enough. Seems simple enough. So what’s the holdup? Continue reading

Granddaughter Ashlyn and the pop gun

This video doesn’t exist