School inefficiency hotline probably expensive and suspect at best

It seems that while politicians talk about wanting to make government smaller and less intrusive in people’s lives they find backdoor ways for government to be become more involved by having Kansans spy on each other.

A few years back then Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline wanted require hair stylists throughout the state to inform the AG‘s office of suspected spousal abuse. The thought process was that hair stylists could detect bruises and that battered women would be more apt to confide in the person cutting their hair than going to authorities to get help. They then would call the hotline and the AG would send in men to investigate. Continue reading

Checking the facts

Here are some links to some articles comparing the facts of claims made by President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Tuesday night’s debates.

USA Today:–politics.html

Associated Press:–election.html

National Journal:–politics.html



Fox News:

NBC News:

Message from the rich is clear: Vote Romney or get fired!

It’s bad enough that there are so many people in this country, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, who don’t take the time or interest in finding out for themselves which political candidate might best represent them.

Sadly, too many of them cast their ballots based on the political propaganda they see on television. Some get their directions from religious leaders. Others simply wait until they receive in the mail the candidate endorsements from the political action groups they support. For example, Kansas Republicans have Kansans for Life endorsements and Kansas Democrats have Mainstream Coalition. Continue reading

Round one: Romney

If the presidential debates were a boxing match, round one goes to challenger Mitt Romney.

President Obama, who has been leading in every poll taken, had a chance to deliver a first-round, knockout punch Wednesday night. Instead, he rope-a-doped around, had to dodge several Romney punches, even got pelted by a few aggressive jabs and stumbled on a solid Romney right hook to the jaw: “You could have hired 2 million teachers with that $90 million you spent on green energy companies, many of them that contributed to your campaign, and many of them that have failed.” Continue reading

Voters need to send a clear message by voting for Calvin Hayden

He’s baa-aack!

It’s been almost four years to the day, Oct. 25, 2008, when then Johnson County District 6 Commissioner John Toplikar was video-taped removing and taking a political yard sign of his opponent Calvin Hayden who eventually unseated Toplikar. In April of 2009, Toplikar accepted a diversion agreement in which he was sentenced to 12 months probation and that the misdemeanor theft charge would be removed from his record dismissed if he stayed out of trouble during that time.

Since then, Toplikar, also a former State Representative, has virtually remained out of the public eye with the exception of filing to put his name on the ballot for County Commission Chair in 2010 and on the ballot this year to try and win back the 6th District Commission seat from Hayden. Continue reading