Miami Herald sports columnist slams KSU football team

For whatever reason, Miami Herald sports columnist Joseph Goodman slams K-State‘s football team for possible gaining a berth in the national title game on New Year’s Day probably against Alabama.

He said it would be boorish. (Read the story by clicking here.)

My thoughts?

K-State, KU, Wichita State, Pittsburg State…whatever Kansas teams are vying for post-season titles, we Kansans are all in the same boat in supportinhg “our” team. And while the Miami Herald “journalist” writes that he “could” care less about a KSU-Alabama matchup for the national title, we Kansans “couldn’t” care less about an article written by an ill-informed, sour-grapes, so-called columnist in a newspaper’s “toy” department.

What are your thoughts?


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