Grand jury made the right decision on Arboretum sculpture

Chalk up another victory for the right of free speech, individual expression, the arts and strike another blow against the minority of busybodies who would dictate and thrust their definitions of morality upon the rest of a free society.

A Johnson County grand jury, forced to convene and decide whether a headless female, bare-breasted sculpture taking a picture of herself at the Overland Park Arboretum was obscene, Friday afternoon, Oct. 26, did not issue an indictment against the city of Overland Park, which has refused to remove the piece of artwork.

According to an article in The Kansas City Star, a spokesman for the grand jury released a statement saying that it had reviewed the Kansas law and that the sculpture, entitled “Accept or Reject” did not meet the state’s legal definition of obscenity.” Continue reading

Miami Herald sports columnist slams KSU football team

For whatever reason, Miami Herald sports columnist Joseph Goodman slams K-State‘s football team for possible gaining a berth in the national title game on New Year’s Day probably against Alabama.

He said it would be boorish. (Read the story by clicking here.)

My thoughts?

K-State, KU, Wichita State, Pittsburg State…whatever Kansas teams are vying for post-season titles, we Kansans are all in the same boat in supportinhg “our” team. And while the Miami Herald “journalist” writes that he “could” care less about a KSU-Alabama matchup for the national title, we Kansans “couldn’t” care less about an article written by an ill-informed, sour-grapes, so-called columnist in a newspaper’s “toy” department.

What are your thoughts?


Republican Colin Powell endorses Obama

Normally, I don’t put much stock in political endorsements.

They usually come from self-proclaimed “experts” who vote the party line, anyway. They come from right-winged or far-left factions telling their followers how to vote. And it’s a tradition with most newspapers to endorse candidates they say will best serve constituents.

All of which is a bunch of, thank-you-Joe-Biden, malarkey! Continue reading

Obama knew but didn’t level with the American people

The White House knew, even as bullets were ringing out and ripping into walls, as fires raged from explosions, that the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans was a deliberate act of terrorism being carried out by a Libyan Islamic militant group.

According to an Associated Press article, emails obtained by Reuters that were sent from U.S. diplomats back to Washington, even as the attack was happening, reveal that within two hours after the deadly assault officials at the White House and State Department were told that a terrorist group called Ansar al-Sharia was claiming credit for the attack. Continue reading

Checking the facts

Don’t you jut love politics, especially when candidates appear on the same stage for a debate and toss out accusations against each other?

President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney both seem to be adhering to the adage that if you keep saying untruths long enough, well, then they’ll become true at least in the minds of voters.

During the final presidential debate Monday night, Oct. 22, both candidates stretched the truth on several issues and each came up with their own “whopper.”

Click on the following links to read how various fact-checkers viewed Monday night’s debate. Continue reading