Celestrial tribute to Armstrong


A Blue Moon, an event that won’t happen again until July 2015.

The private service for Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, who died last week at the age of 82.

Both happen Friday, Aug. 31.


What a fitting tribute. Take a moment  Friday night to look up at the full moon and honor Armstrong’s memory.


Disgusting incident at GOP Convention

Sarah Palin‘s political advertising four years ago had crosshairs placed over targeted Democratic candidates.

Missouri Republican candidate for Senate Todd Akin thinks there are cases of “legitimate” rape and should attend a sex education class if he really thinks a woman’s body shuts down during a violent rape to prevent pregnancy. Continue reading

Decisions, statements and events that make you shake your head

The majority of people in this country, and nearly all the politicians, I think have completely lost their minds.

I sit each night in the recliner and watch the television news and often shake my head at what I’m hearing and seeing: murders, rapes, nuclear threats, political candidates talking about legitimate rape, and a Kansas Congressman skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee.

Throughout the day, I read news articles and opinion pieces published on the Internet by The Associated Press, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN and FOX among several others. There are times when I shake my head, times when I get angry, times when I’m confused, and more-often-than-not simply wonder what the hell people, especially politicians, are thinking when they make certain accusations or decisions. Continue reading

A Texas woman’s solutions to government subsistence freeloaders

The following was emailed to me by buddy Brad. It was written by a 21-year-old female who is worried about her future and her frustration with the social welfare, big-government state in which she’s being forced to live.  These solutions are  just common sense in her opinion and I pass this along to stimulate thought and discussion.

This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco, Texas, Nov. 18, 2011

PUT ME IN CHARGE . . . Continue reading

Brownback, legislators snub Kansans with ‘social’ dinners

Why is it that when people are elected to office, and it doesn’t matter whether Republican or Democrat, their self-imposed power and knowledge seems to go to their head. After campaigning for a more open and transparent government, they become secretive and turn to private meetings and strike backroom deals; that they somehow think they are above the law that they apply to the people they serve.

And it happens right here in Kansas where earlier this year Gov. Sam Brownback and the nearly all Republican legislators he invited to dinner “social” meetings where policy and the people’s business were discussed and debated behind closed doors. Continue reading