Getting ready for the grandkids

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Posts over the next five weeks could be few and far between. Daughter Sherri and grandkids Dylan and Carys arrive Tuesday, June 12, for two weeks, and then the day after they leave, wife Terri and I leave for Seattle for three weeks to see daughter, Jessica. During the next five weeks, I’ll post what I can when I can.)

What a hectic week:

Three days of yard work and still not done; spent hours and hours scanning photos and putting together a slide show with music for my niece’s party this past weekend celebrating her graduation from Pittsburg State (she has a teaching degree in elementary education and needs a job!); spent time with grandkids Rylin and her new baby sister Ashlyn, roofer and insurance adjuster came out to survey the hail damage to our roof from last year (we’re getting a new roof), and my wife and I began cleaning and rearranging the house in preparation for the arrival of our daughter, Sherri, and her two grandkids from Colorado on Tuesday, June 12.

I’m thinking the next two weeks will make this past week feel like a walk in the park Continue reading

The joys of being a grandparent

My good friend Carl Hanson sent this to me the other day via email. Thought I would pass it along for you, especially you grandparents, to enjoy…

“Good morning . . . At present we are not at home but, please leave your message after you hear the beep.
“beeeeep … Continue reading

Message to defenders of morality: Butt out!

The controversial bronze sculpture at the Overland Park Arboretum.

I get so tired of these hoity-toity, I-know-what’s-best-for-you people and groups trying to dictate what I can or cannot read, watch or observe; trying to take away my right to decide what I think is appropriate or inappropriate to share with my children and grandchildren; who want to tell me how to live my life.

Joanne Hughes, Stilwell, I’m sure is a very nice person and a terrific mom. But she also is one of those hoity-toity people.

The Kansas and Missouri chapter of the American Family Association is one of those know-what’s-best-for-you organizations. Continue reading