Correct ruling on Obamacare

So the United States Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare.

Given the Court’s conservative makeup, I’m stunned.

I’m surprised.

I’m shocked.

I’m pleasantly pleased. Continue reading

Root beer float day for the grandkids (and me!)

Just got back from the Overland Park Arboretum with the grandkids from Colorado. Had a great time. Dylan and Carys are playing with their cousin Rylin and we’re getting ready to eat lunch and then….this afternoon….it’s root beer float day!!!!! Mmmmmmm! Looking forward to that!

And guess what? They did it again

Fact: The cost of a barrel of crude oil at 9 p.m., Kansas City time today, Monday, June 18, is $83.

Fact: OPEC in the past several months has increased oil production.

Fact: There is a world surplus of oil, especially in the United States.

Fact: There is a surplus of gasoline in the United States. Continue reading

Just one question: Why?

Just one thought before I head out to start this week with my grandchildren, Dylan, 5 and Carys, 4, visiting from Colorado:

The cost of a barrel of continues its freefall. In fact, it’s down another $1.50 to $82.52 a barrel even as I type this at 8:47 Monday morning, June 18. Yet one day last week, when we left Olathe in the morning, the cost of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $3.35 (which still is too damn high) and when we returned late that afternoon it had jumped to $3.45 a gallon.

My question is why?

Dylan goes to Wales

Grandson, Dylan, 5, who lives in Windsor, Colo., with his mom Sherri, dad Ceri and sister Carys, 4, recently traveled to Wales with his dad who grew up there to visit his grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

Here’s a slide show of Dylan getting know his Welsh roots. Enjoy!