Government spending chart; why not an oil-gasoline chart?

Third District Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder, on his facebook page has provided information and a link to 50 years of government spending on defense, Social Security and debt. It’s interesting. It has some good information, and for a government graphic, it’s not that difficult to understand.

But that spending and those issues are out of the control of the average, every-day American consumer. Continue reading

A good start, but what does the future hold?

One baby is granddaughter Rylin on the day of her birth 2-1/2 years ago. The other is granddaughter Ashlyn on the day of her birth this past Monday, May 20. They almost could be twins! Photos by Grandpa Chuck


It has been a whirlwind of a week since the arrival of little Ashlyn Marie last Sunday, May 20, to the Kurtz and Krejci families. Ashlyn, who came into the world at 7:47 a.m., weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces and measuring 19 inches, is the spitting image of her 2-1/2-year-old big sister Rylin. It’s almost as if Rylin has been cloned with one exception.

Rylin was anything but a quiet baby. She enjoyed exercising her lungs…and she was good at it, too. Continue reading

Kansas heading toward a dangerous government?

Our illustrious and supposed intelligent elected officials, the folks we sent to Topeka to represent us have done anything but during this 2012 Legislative Session.

These people have yet to come up with a fiscal 2013 state budget, have yet to create a new district map as required by law, have yet to make a decision on tax cuts, and now are working overtime (at taxpayers’ expense) in an effort to do the job during the 90-day session. They were, however, able to create a bill that would prevent judicial or administrative decisions from being based on foreign legal codes as well as passing legislation that push abortion back to filthy rooms in back alleys and performed by unqualified people.

It’s enough to make a person sit back, slap their forehead and ask, “What the hell are these people doing in Topeka?” Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day

Don’t forget to all your mothers! Happy Mother’s Day to all moms.

An entry in grandpa’s diary

Howdy “D”…

It’s Friday, May 4, 2012.

…Up early today. I slept good last night, but was a little anxious for the morning sun. Babysitting granddaughter, Rylin, today. Supposed to be at my son’s house at 9. So I got there a little early….big deal!

…After making us some “hot tea” on her play kitchen (and it was soooo good, too) I was finally able to get her socks and shoes on; we’re having breakfast this morning…just Rylin and me. Continue reading