A fit to remember

(EDITOR’S NOTE: For the purpose of understanding some of the wording in this column please note the following definitions: Me-moo is Grandma Terri; Bock-ba is Grandpa Chuck; and mommy is, well, mommy — son Justin’s wife Heather.)

It was bound to happen sooner or later as it always does with preschool children trying to exert their wants, desires and independence. They throw little hissy fits.

And so it was with granddaughter Rylin Tuesday night. For the most part, it has been pretty smooth sailing through the “Terrible Twos” with grandchild No. 4. She’s just a couple of days shy of 2-1/2 and has an extremely gentle and pleasant disposition — strong-willed sometimes, but seldom erupts into a crying fit and has never done that with me. Continue reading